SSC CGL TIER 2 Exam Prep -2023

by Youth4work



SSC CGL TIER II Exam Prep App is powered by (a leading portal for Career Development and Competitive Exams Preparation). The app provides online practice tests and question bank for the Tier 2 paper preparation. So, if you are affirmative of clearing the tier I paper of Combined Graduate Level Exam by Staff Service Commission then start preparing for the TIER II examination as early as possible. Key Features of SSC CGL Tier II Exam Prep:1. Complete Mock Tests, covering all sections.2. Separate Section wise and Topic wise tests.3. Reports to reflect accuracy, score and speed.4. Discussion Forums to interact with other Aspirants.5. Review all attempted questions.Topics & Syllabus covered in SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Prep App:1. English Language and Comprehension: English comprehension, shuffling of sentence parts, conversion into direct and indirect narrations, antonyms, active and passive voices of verbs, improvement of sentences, idioms and phrases, synonyms, spotting errors, fill in the blanks and one word substitutions.2. Quantitative Aptitude: Trigonometry, Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration, Probability, Boat and Stream, Age, Partnership Business, Time and Work, Mixture and Allegation, Average, Time and Distance, Interest, Decimals Fractions and relationships between numbers, Ratio and Proportion, Profit and Loss Discount & Percentage.We at the Youth4Work team wish you the best for your exams. Yes you can Please help out your friends and family who also preparing for Staff Selection Commission (SSC) - conducts Combined Graduate Level (CGL) by sharing our app to them! We also appreciate it if you can leave a rating and feedback for us. Also visit us on